Who remembers Hangouts and Periscope?
The Periscope mobile app will be discontinued on March 31, 2021, but the live video will live on as an important part of the conversation on Twitter. Until then, you can:
Starting in the first half of 2021, everyone can begin upgrading from Hangouts to Chat,” Google
A brief look back in time, How social media worked in 2011. Great to look back and see how things have changed
Now that it’s 2021, it’s time to talk about a very important day coming up this month:
Here are five ways you can take action:
Pay a compliment on Instagram.
Promote someone else’s work on Twitter.
Share gratitude for people on Facebook.
Give a recommendation on LinkedIn.
Say sorry, thanks, or anything nice online.
Join the kindness movement, and please give us a call and we can share how your brand can show kindness
If this hasn’t been convincing enough, being kind can also increase ROI for your business! Here is an article I wrote for Inc.:
It’s time to turn the toxicity of social media into a more inclusive, comfortable, and warm environment. Please join me on February 26th as we tackle this challenge, together.